Saturday, March 15, 2008


As I've been working on my sermon for tomorrow, I recalled that last year for Palm Sunday, I chose my title, "A Royal Entrance (Riding on a Donkey)" before I started my in-depth work with the text. I really had read through it already (I swear!), but because the story is so familiar, the details from the different accounts meld together in my perception, I failed to notice that in the story in Luke, which I was preaching on, Jesus rides "a colt," not a donkey.

This year, the text is from Matthew, where it does specify that Jesus rides a donkey, but actually goes further to specify that he rode a donkey *and* its colt, which is Matthew going out of his way to make clear that Jesus' entrance fulfills the prophecy in Zechariah about the restoration of Jerusalem by a ruler who brings peace to the nations.

I haven't figured out a way to work this into my sermon, but all this thinking about donkeys reminded me of a very nice scene about acceptance from Shrek, which is burned into my brain because Grace (my now 3 year old niece) was obsessed with Shrek when we lived with her, and at one point the DVD malfunctioned and would replay this one scene over and over... where Shrek (the ogre) is trying to get rid of Donkey, who really wants to be his friend. And it becomes clear that Shrek assumes he can't have friends because he's an ogre, and everyone hates and fears ogres, but Donkey for some reason doesn't know he's supposed to hate and fear ogres... and it's a beautiful moment, although I appreciate it much more now that it's been over 6 months since the time I had to watch it over and over and over trying to fix the DVD.

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