Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Manga Jesus

I was really intrigued by this article from the New York Times, about a graphic novel that presents the Bible in the style of a Japanese comic book.

A confession: in my first glance at the article, I assumed the author (Ajinbayo Akinsiku) was Japanese. It turns out he's actually Nigerian.

This is definitely a version of the Bible I want to have, although my New Year's Resolution to buy nothing new
means that I'll be waiting to get a used copy. Although, I may need to order copies for my confirmation class. ;)

The combination of Jesus as a "samurai stranger" with an emphasis on justice for the poor certainly seems intriguing. I think (although I'm no expert) that there is some "precedent" (if you can properly call it that) of Christ-like figures in manga.

I'm not sure if my Jesus would make a very good comic book hero...

1 comment:

don S said...

Intriguing image of Jesus as a comic book hero.