Thursday, February 28, 2008

Religious Landscape Survey

The Pew Forum released a big report on Monday based on a survey they did of the religious landscape in the U.S. Interesting facts that stood out to me:

About 10% of U.S. adults are ex-Catholics, whether they have moved to other traditions or the "unaffiliated" group. Catholics who leave the church, however, are replaced, in part by converts (2.6%), but even more so by immigrants, who are, as a group, more likely to be Catholic than the overall U.S. population.

The unaffiliated group is 16.1% of the adult population; twice the number (8%) who say they were unaffiliated as children. Still more fascinating is that half of those who were raised as unaffiliated are now affiliated (that's 4% of the population). So 3/4 of those who are unaffiliated have left some religious tradition. AND, not too surprising, 25% of those age 18-29 say that they are not affiliated with any particular religious tradition. This makes a lot of sense to me, given that I always feel like the people I know are, numerically, less religious than the statistics I've seen.

I do wonder, if this study were done longitudinally, if 18-29 year olds would always be less religiously affiliated than other age groups. It seems to me, anecdotally, that a lot of people return to church after a decade or so of absence when they have kids.

I find all kinds of demographic profiles interesting... but the incredible religious diversity in the U.S. is one of my favorite things about this country.


Rob Monroe said...

I agree about both the fascinating wealth of information in the survey and the greatness of the diversity.

I have not read through the whole report, it's way too long. The good news is that they will break it down and do more analysis in the coming months.

Our denomination (or at least at lot of ministers in the field, probably not the folks at the headquarters) are seeing a trend of people attending but not joining their churches. Times have changed, and this report will help to show that.

Higginski said...

Here are my results!

MYSTIC: 92 %

~Rachel H.